Off to College, Sol Republic Tracks Air Wireless Headphones Giveaway- EXPIRED

This weekend we moved my oldest daughter back into the dorm for her last year of college. I can't believe it was only 3 years ago that she was the nervous freshman heading off to school, and now she was the senior helping the freshmen move in...and from what she tells me they all brought way too much of all the wrong stuff! Some of these kids had enough stuff to furnish a 2 bedroom apartment, and they're squeezing it into 1 small dorm room!

It's hard to know just what your child needs when they go away to college for the first time. In most cases, less is more. The best tip I can give you is to keep it simple. Everything you move in, you have to move out again, and somehow, they always have more things at the end of the year than they started with, so save yourself the hassle of moving way too much stuff.

One thing that we have found is really important to a happy dorm life is a good pair of headphones. It really helps to eliminate disputes over what music to listen to, and sometimes helps to give a sense of peace and retreat in this new world full of new noise.

The Sol Republic Tracks Air are perfect not only because of the exceptional sound, but also because of the freedom of no cords. They have Bluetooth technology. You can dance all over to every jam, without disturbing anyone and without getting tied up in the wires! Along with not having wires to worry about, one of my favorite things about these headphones is just how comfortable they are. I've had some headphones that feel like they are squeezing my brains in, but not these! These really feel and sound great, and if you're going to be wearing them a lot for taking online lectures, or just chilling in the dorm, they need to feel good!

Sol Republic is so awesome, that they are giving away a free pair of Tracks Air to 1 reader. Just enter in the form below. Please keep in mind, that you can only win from Sol Republic once every 6 months. They just want to keep it fair and spread the love.

If you can't wait to get a pair for yourself, or your favorite college student, they are available at Best Buy.

disclosure: I received the product mentioned in return for this post. All opinions expressed are my own.


  1. the best tip is don't burn out the first year.. pace yourself!

  2. be sure to eat right and get enough rest

  3. The best tip for a new college student, and when I was in college, I saw this all the time. Make sure to go to your classes! You can not pass a class if you are not their!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. My Tip for my daughter is not to fall into the social trap and stay on course

  6. Put your studies before social times.

  7. G+ id: abfantom fantom

    fantom at yahoo dot com

  8. Don't party to hard, get plenty of rest and work hard.

  9. I really have no idea since I didn't go off to college. I guess it would be to study. College is much harder than high school and requires actual work to get through. thank you!
    crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com

  10. Be sure to call your parent(s) every week!

  11. I just moved my daughter into college this week. Good tip is to always travel in pairs or more.

  12. Have a blast and don't need to overpack

  13. My best tip for new college students is what I was told the first week I was in school - you can spend your time on 3 things, school, fun, and sleep. You probably will need to minimize one of those to do better on the other two.

  14. My tip is to buy used books when possible. They cost a small fortune new!
    Susan Chester

  15. Keep your head high. Follow your head always and remember to have fun!

  16. budget AND make sure you eat well. McDonalds is NOT a food group.

  17. Get involved and join a club to meet people with a common interest.

  18. Stay focused and try not to burn yourself out by doing too much.

  19. Make sure you make time to relax, so you don't burn out on school.

  20. Arrange your schedule so you have a few spares here and there for homework

  21. don't let peer pressure ruin your life - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  22. Eat healthy, get sleep, study, and don't party too much.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  23. go to class and get enough rest

  24. Finish your school work before you go party.

  25. Check Amazon to see if you can save money buying used books. I saved nearly a thousand dollars buying the majority of my books used online instead of the school bookstore, but you also have to be careful that you get the correct versions you need. If you are a new student, check out Student Prime on Amazon.

  26. Best advice? Focus, focus, focus. and give yourself a break . Don't neglect getting fresh air and eating healthy foods!

  27. Remember why you are there! Focus, study, eat healthy and sleep!

  28. Don't leave school work to the last minute - you need to pace yourself.

  29. Don't get trapped into getting the credit cards that'll be offered around campus. One or two is enough.

  30. Enjoy it, dont stress too much and try and get some sleep

  31. study hard,eat properly,get plenty of rest,,but have fun as well! ;)
    (Karla Sceviour)

  32. Put class and studying priorities before everything else.

  33. My best tip is to give yourself time to adjust to the new pressures (and freedoms) and to pace yourself during the first semester to adjust to your new life.

    Geoff K

  34. forget the, eat well, sleep well

  35. Don't party too much.

  36. My tip to college students is to study over you notes as you make them. Don't wait to the last minute and have to cram for tests.
    Tara Woods

  37. College is the time to run with the crowd that stimulates your thinking.

  38. Attend class and don't procrastinate!

  39. My tip is to watch out for student loans! Research!! alexbaylor27 at gmail dot com


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