Television, Not Just For the Shows; There's Great Music On There! #MusicMonday

It seems like a good time to do a Music Monday post! It's Monday and there is some great music in my head, so let's hear it!

Fans of How I Met Your Mother may be familiar with this one from a couple years ago, but it's a new find for me, and I'm really digging it. It's Heavy Hours by Crooked Fingers

This is another song that I found thanks to television. I swear I find some of the best artists that way! This one you may be able to guess by it's dark feel, was heard on AMC's The Walking Dead. It is Oats In The Water by Ben Howard.

 So, that's what I'm listening to this week! A little somber, I guess, but I'm going through this "what do I want to be" kinda thing, so they kind of set the tone for it.

I hope your week is full of new music finds. I know mine will be!


  1. In order to listen to your music, I was told to sign up for something. Not gonna happen. Sorry.

  2. It is true. I love listening to the classicals on TV.

    However I can't heard you music. Weird. It wants me to sign up to spotify.

    Thanks for joining with us and sharing!

  3. Loved your song choice even though i have to watch how i met your mother.


Thanks for stopping by! sing me a song.