Music Monday, Return to Forbidden Planet

Happy Music Monday! Today's theme at Monday's Music Moves Me is favorite Broadway Musical. So, this isn't really my favorite Broadway musical, and in fact it's not really a Broadway Musical because it's very off Broadway, but what the heck, I like it, so here it is...

Return to Forbidden Planet! This musical takes sci-fi, mixes it with Shakespeare, sprinkles it with classic rock n roll and tops it off with a whole lotta campy-ness for a mixture of incredible fun! Even my husband enjoyed this one when we saw it years ago in Tampa. (I wish I had recordings of that performance, because, wow! it was good!) Here's a few tunes from this fun musical. If this one is done in your town, go see it, it's a total blast!



  1. Sometimes Campy fun is a perfect night out and that play looks like it offers a lot of campy fun, the guitar solo was great!

  2. Those were FUN!! That would be a fun show to go see for sure! :) Thanks for playing along with us again! :)

    this just in: Rise Above One – Boy Falls From The Sky Defying Gravity

  3. I like these! I've not heard about them before though. Very nice. Thank you for linking with us today! :)

  4. I've never heard of this show, but the music is really excellent. Thanks for sharing it with us.
    Have a great week.

  5. Very interesting, and so glad you shared. That was quite enjoyable & fun. Great picks. See you next week!

  6. OMG this is so... what the hell?? I just... wow. Haha! Hahahahaha! I gotta see this play...


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