Aloha Friday, We're Talking Movies here!

Finally, it's Friday!!  Happy Aloha Friday! The day to take it easy and prepare for the weekend. For me this is my last Friday at work for awhile. On Monday, I will be having a hysterectomy to get rid of some nasty cancerous cells. I'm not looking forward to the surgery, but I'm looking forward to kicking cancer's ass! And, I plan to make the most of my time out of work by getting caught up on some rest, reading, writing, and movie watching!

My question for you:

What movie(s) can you watch anytime?

I have a few of them: Grease, The Big Chill, Dirty Dancing, Mamma Mia!, and Rocky Horror Picture Show (hmmm do you see a theme here? Yes! They all have great soundtracks!)

♪stranded at the drive-in, branded a fool, what will they say Monday at school♪ (John Travolta)

Make sure to head to An Island Life for more Aloha Friday


  1. Perhaps we should start you a list of good movies to entertain you during your recovery??
    If you have Netflix - I'd recommend My Name is Khan, and Second-Hand Lions...
    Sending you best wishes and positive thoughts :)

  2. Grease and Dirty Dancing for me, too, along with Napoleon Dynamite :)

  3. Social Network and Secretariat :-)


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