Walking in a Winter Wonderland

ICE! At the beautiful Gaylord Palms resort in Orlando, gave this Florida girl a chance to play in the snow, and feel the chilly 9 degrees required to keep these snow men from melting. 2 million pounds of ice were used to make the walk through displays depicting The Night Before Christmas, and the Nativity scene, among others. I even slid down an ice slide. It was a lot of fun and a beautiful site to see. Check it out if you're in Orlando before January 2, 2011.

In the meadow, we can build a snowman


  1. that is AWESOME...being a FL girl I know how much we miss snow.....I forgot to take our girls to the snow thing here but we are heading to Orlando soon:) happy holidays:)

  2. I went there a couple of years ago when I lived in Orlando and it was soooo awesome!! :-)

  3. Sounds like a lot of fun! Great picture!

  4. Try living in the Rocky Mountain West, where we get buried under the white stuff, then tell me how much you love it! All. winter. long.


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