Take a Short Stop on Tuesday Hops to See If You Can Help

This family needs help in getting the care they need for their daughter. Their hope is that by sharing the video maybe somebody can help them find a way to get their cute little girl the help that she needs. So, take a short stop from your blog hops and watch the video. There's an e-mail at the end, if you have any advice. Thanks!

To-the-TOP TuesdayPhotobucket


  1. I've hopped off the Tuesday Train blog hop and am your newest follower. What a touching video. It must be awful to watch your child struggle with their health.It's good you have put it on and I hope others watch it too.
    Please do drop by my mad blog and maybe become a follower too.
    Warmest wishes
    Carol from www.facing50withhumour.blogspot.com

  2. Wow, it really makes me thankful for my healthy kids. THanks for sharing the video.


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