Tomorrow is the last day to enter to win Cheryl's cookies. Make sure your entry is in!

1) Who is your favorite actor? I can't possibly pick just 1! Jason Statham is really nice to look at, has a beautiful accent and makes great action movies. The other is a really good actor, has a great sense of humor, and, he also happens to be really nice to look at: Robert Downey Jr. Look at 'em! Don't ask me to choose between the two. I just can't do it!
(2) Do you collect anything? Bills, I collect bills. They come in the mail and I shove them in a drawer. I have quite an impressive collection. ♪Can you pay my telephone bills, can you pay my automo'bills♪ (Destiny's Child)
(3) What's the biggest turn off in someone of the opposite sex? No sense of humor! You have to be able to laugh at yourself and the world around you.
(4) If you HAD to change your first name, what would you change it to and why? Hmmm, I think I already did. :)
(5) What virtue is better: forgiveness or justice? Forgiveness. Everyone deserves a second chance. ♪Never free, never me, so I dub thee unforgiven♪ (Metallica)
I've been collecting bills as well - for the past month or two. Soon time for me to clean out that collection.
ReplyDeleteNo sense of humor is the worst. I know too many people who spend too much time being unhappy. Laugh, it makes things better.
I think the fact that the hubs makes me laugh every day is my favorite part about our marriage!