SWAGG is a free mobile app (download here) that lets you shop smarter using your mobile phone. Buy, send or swap SWAGG GIFTS and organize your old school plastic gift cards.
For every download of the app between now and Dec. 31, 2010, SWAGG will donate $1 to Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) , up to $125,000.
Clever Girls Collective and SWAGG are sending a pair of movie fans to the Sundance Film Festival! Download the SWAGG app and then visit the Ultimate SWAGG Getaway Sweepstakes site to enter to win a trip for two to the Sundance Film Festival. Entry deadline is January 3, 2011, 11:59pm, PST.
I love shopping. There is just something exciting about finding that perfect item at the perfect price. I especially love shopping for gifts. Well, that is I love shopping for gifts when I haven't put it off to the last minute which, unfortunately happens more often than not. Then, rather than moving in stealth mode quietly stalking my prey, I’m more like a herd of rhinos in a stampede racing to be the first one in the pack to trample it’s prey. It’s not a pretty site!
I have been able to catch some pretty cool deals and have given some really awesome gifts. Like the year I got my mother a mother’s ring. She had gone on and on about how she had bought her mother a ring at 17, so I figured I’d finally give in and get one. With panther like moves, I was on the hunt. I planned it out for months and finally found the perfect one. When mom opened it, she declared it to be the best gift ever.
Then I noticed that she never wears it, so I asked her why. She says doesn’t wear it because she’s afraid she’ll lose it. Yup, that’s how awesome that gift was! She had to have it, but she won’t wear it! So what’s the point?!
Yeah, it’s the thought that counts in gift giving, but I want it to be something useful. What good is a ring, if it’s never, and I mean never, worn?! From now on, I’m giving gift cards because gift cards really are the best gift ever!
I have been able to catch some pretty cool deals and have given some really awesome gifts. Like the year I got my mother a mother’s ring. She had gone on and on about how she had bought her mother a ring at 17, so I figured I’d finally give in and get one. With panther like moves, I was on the hunt. I planned it out for months and finally found the perfect one. When mom opened it, she declared it to be the best gift ever.
Then I noticed that she never wears it, so I asked her why. She says doesn’t wear it because she’s afraid she’ll lose it. Yup, that’s how awesome that gift was! She had to have it, but she won’t wear it! So what’s the point?!
Yeah, it’s the thought that counts in gift giving, but I want it to be something useful. What good is a ring, if it’s never, and I mean never, worn?! From now on, I’m giving gift cards because gift cards really are the best gift ever!
Just ask my kids; this year they got cameras and Ipods, and clothes, and what were they most excited about?! Yup the gift cards! I can't blame them really, because they, too, want the thrill of the hunt for that perfect gift.
Now with the SWAGG App on my phone I can easily buy and send gift cards and cut down on all the last minute hysteria of finding a gift. I can organize all the gift cards I received. And, because I downloaded SWAGG prior to 12/31, their going to give $1 to SU2C, and let's face it, when it come down to it, the gift of life really is the best gift ever!
Learn more about the coolest new app that revolutionizes the whole shopping, gifting, and gift card-organizing experience and Download the SWAGG app to your iPhone or Droid. I was selected for this sponsorship by Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity.
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